Welcome World!

I'm Armanni Antoine-Chagar.

Specialized - Turbo App PM Fullstack + iOS Developer Software Engineer (B.SE.)

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

Recently, I started working for Specialized Bicycle Components as Turbo App Project Manager. Working with my passions, which includes: Apps - Web - Sports, in this case lots of bikes and cycling. This was a few months after graduating from Sichuan University with a Bachelor in Software Engineering.


I grew up competing as a high level junior triathlete which gave me a drive to succeed. At 18, I left the UK to start a new adventure across the world, fully immersing myself into a completely different culture and learning a new beautiful language. Living in China, made me gain such an interest in computer programming which lead me to enrol as a Software engineering student at Sichuan University. Graduating from Le Wagon Chengdu coding bootcamp is just the beginning of coding career.

  • Fullname: Armanni Antoine-Chagar
  • Birth Date: March 31, 1995
  • Job: Specialized Bicycle Components Turbo App Project Manager
  • Website: https://armanni-ac.fyi
  • Email: [email protected]


  • 70%
  • 70%
  • 80%
    iOS Dev
  • 50%
  • 65%
  • 65%
    Ruby on Rails
  • 60%
  • 40%
    Wechat MP Dev
  • 75%

More of my credentials.

Below I have listed a few of my past and current work experiences as well as my education.

Work Experience

Front-end Web Dev Instructor

March 2019 - June 2019

Le Wagon China

Currently have a part-time position leading the Front-end module of Le Wagon’s bootcamp in Chengdu and assisting in Shanghai. Consists of a fast 3 day introduction, starting with HTML & CSS basics, then moving into CSS components, then bootstrap and layouts. The whole module is near to 5hours of lecturing, 17 hours of hands on assistance, and a few hours of live-coding to help build students confidence with using their new-found front-end skills in 3 days. All students finishing with live responsive portfolio sites.


October 2018 - March 2019

Le Wagon Chengdu

My internship experience with Le Wagon Chengdu consisted of organizing workshops/ events and expanding their social media presence globally. Running marketing campaigns and working with Facebook ads manager, analytics and insights. I also lead several front-end workshops such as “Building a website with HTML & CSS for beginners”.

Freelance Developer

October 2017 - 2018

Polyphasic Developers

During my time at Polyphasic Developers, I built on my knowledge of Ruby on Rails, HTML & CSS and JavaScript. With material and resources I had access to, I also learnt a new language and framework (swift & iOS). During this time, I built and published my first iOS app to apple store. After working at Polyphasic Dev, the co-founder started a new company and brought me over, where I now focus on iOS development.

Chengdu Community Manager

December 2016 - July 2019

Girl Gone International

Girl Gone International is a Non Profit Org representing, empowering and connecting women who are living, studying, working or traveling abroad. With an International online magazine and communities in over 130 cities. For the GGI Chengdu community, I manage finding locations; planning; promoting and hosting events. I also manage the GGI Chengdu wechat community.


Bachelor Degree

September 2015 - June 2019

Sichuan University - Software Eningeering

Graduating in 2019 with a Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering (BSE).

Full-Stack Web Development Immersive
Ruby on Rails

July 2017 - September 2017

Le Wagon

Completed a 360 hour, 9-week long full-stack web development program encompassing:
*Ruby on Rails
*Developed a Wechat Mini Program


What Can I Do For You?

Why should you hire me? Well, due to the range in skills that I have acquired over the past 23 years, I believe that when given a task I will give 120% to ensure that I give you the very best. When it comes to working in a team or group projects, I know this is a work style in which I excel. I am constantly learning new valuable skills in my own time, simply out of a passion to learn how to code. I can perform the work! I can commit to the job!


Projects Completed


Happy Clients


Sport Events


Crazy Ideas


Coffee Cups



Check Out Some of My Work.

As you can see there is only a couple of projects listed below, however watch this space because there is a lot more coming…In the meantime check out some cool photos.


I'd Love To Hear From You.

Feel free to contact me via the information given below.
Thank you for looking at my website!
Hope you have a great day!

Where to find me

Cycling or Running Around

Email Me At

[email protected]

Call Me At

Mobile: Just email me.